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Beer Lover’s Gift Set

Beer Lover’s Gift Set

We are excited to share the quality items that we have put together to delight every Beer Lover! 

Hand Blown Craft Beer Glasses

Enjoy the perfect imperfections in these hand blown craft beer glasses. 

Each effortlessly holds a 12oz (354ml) beverage of your choosing. 

Put your kegerator to work with a glass that feels good in your hand and lets you admire the glory of hops and barley with every sip.

Top Pop™ Bottle Opener

This is the best bottle opener that we could find and the most unique that your friends have never seen. 

Simply place the opener on top of a sealed bottle, depress, and release. 

The cap will pop right off and there is a magnet built in to catch it. 

Top Pop™ is always a hit at gatherings.

Premium PUR Leather Coasters

Protect your tabletops on hot summer days from that cold ring of condensate with our premium PUR Leather Coasters.  These coasters look and feel fantastic are guaranteed to impress.  Not recommended to be used as a hat.

Premium PUR Leather Coozies

No matter how you like to spell it these Coozies will keep your hand comfortable with even the coldest drink.  The premium PUR Leather has a pleasing texture and is durable enough to outlast your favorite sport team’s current win streak.